Useful tips to try to get out of the marriage crisis and figure out how to recover the situation.
How to get out of the marriage crisis? How to recover a history that is drifting? How to retrieve the complicity? How to stop hating each other? The crisis sooner or later invest all couples, some are very often bickering passengers, but it can also happen to find themselves having to manage deep crisis from which it is really hard to come out.
The first thing to do to end the crisis is to realize that there really is a crisis going on, take note of the situation and wanting to solve at all costs. Having established this, you should speak with frankness and clarity, to understand what does not work taking into account the point of view of both, we are all good at blaming others, but also accept to be infallible can be helpful for our personal growth and pair.
Once you focus the situation if you have to understand yourself you can resolve the crisis, you can try and give you a chance, maybe take a trip, find complicity and intimacy away from everything and everyone. However, if you were to realize of not being able to move forward in a serene way, I recommend you consult a specialist, a psychologist, a couple therapist, someone from the outside can make you think about something that at the moment it escapes you.
There is nothing wrong with asking for help, every sacrifice, whatever you do, it’s for something bigger. For your family, your love.